When some different conductors are connected into a closed circuit with any temperature distribution, it is difficult to analyze the total thermoelectrical potential in the closed circuit according to the Peltier potential and the Thomson potential. 当具有不同温度分布的多种导体连接在一个环路中时,按照帕尔贴电势和汤姆逊电势分析环路中的总的热电势是困难的。
As a result of no closed magnetic circuit, the magnetic field of air-core reactor divergence seriously with strong penetrating power. It could not only affect other electrical equipment around it, but also pose a potential occupational exposure hazards. 由于无闭合磁回路,空心电抗器磁场发散严重,具有较强的穿透力,不但对周围其它电气设备产生影响,而且对职业暴露构成潜在的危害。